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Time off for part time employees
Time off for part time employees
Michael Colley avatar
Written by Michael Colley
Updated over a year ago

Use Case

Time off policies do not currently update to an employee's work schedule. This means that if an employee changes working hours, you'll need to update their time off policy allowance manually.

There are 3 situations in which you may need to move an employee to a part-time time off policy:

  1. A new joiner is part-time

  2. An employee is moving to a part-time work schedule throughout the calendar year

  3. An employee is moving to a part-time work schedule at the beginning of a year calendar year

πŸ’‘ We will automate this process in the near future and sync employees' work schedule with their time off policies. In the meantime, we've worked out workarounds to solve these particular situations.

1. Time off for a new part-time employee

This is the simplest situation: just create a new time off policy and assign it to them and any other employee who's on the same work schedule.


2. Updating an employee's time off policy who's changing work schedules throughout the policy's cycle

This situation is a little trickier, as you need to update the employee's allowance part-way through the year. For this, we recommend to first work out what their new allowance is, then manually update their allowance for the remainder of the year. Once a new cycle starts for this particular time off policy, follow the steps of scenario 1 (above).


3. Updating an employee's time off policy who's changing work schedules at the beginning of the policy's cycle

Easy one! You'll first need to remove them from the current time off policy they're assigned to, and then move them to one adapted for their new work schedule.


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